When Accidents Happen: Tips and Ideas if it Happens to You. Accidents happen. My husband and I were both healthy when we started our three-week trip driving trip from Colmar, France through the Rhine and Mosel Rivers, Bavaria and the Austrian Salzkammergut (Salzburg, Hallstatt and Gosausee), finishing in Vienna. As we were parking our […]
Photograph Indoor Performances Without Flash
The Location: Indoor Czech Folk Dancing Event | Prague, the Czech Republic Learning how to photograph indoor performances without flash can be an important skill whether you’re at home or traveling in some part of the world. There are times when using flash photography is extremely disruptive to performers and the audience. Learning to use […]
Foggy Weather Photography
Location: San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge Mastering foggy weather photography is a necessity when visiting San Francisco in the summer and hoping for decent images of your visit. My husband and I were previewing the landmark Golden Gate bridge one day, in preparation for a visit from our family. Typical San Francisco summer, I thought. […]
Photographing Fog and Mist
Location: Lassen National Park Photographing fog and mist was only one of the incredible challenges nature provided us one morning.https://roadtrippers.com/stories/lassen-volcanic-national-park?lat=40.80972&lng=-96.67528&z=5 On one of several trips to Lassen National Park, my husband and I went on an overnight backpacking trip to see part of the interior of this great National Park that wasn’t accessible by car. […]
Finding Nature’s Lines: Photographing Landscapes
The Location: Denali National Park Finding nature’s lines in the backcountry of Denali National Park took a little imagination and positioning. The rewards were dynamic photographs of our experiences. For years, I had dreamed of a trip to Alaska, and especially into the interior of Denali National Park. Finally, one year, we went. Our journey […]